Hudson Valley
Timber Frames
Beauty in Age Old Design
Timber frame structures have lasted for centuries. They may look extremely complicated, but the design and form is simple, and the results are stunning and remarkably low impact on the environment, making a renewable locally sourced sustainable home possible.

Simple is Beautiful
Simple timber frames are breathtaking. You don’t need to have a complicated framing plan to inspire awe.

Flexibility in Design
Since timber framing and post and beam are structural construction methods, your options to enclose the building are vast, including anything from structural insulated panels (sips), straw bale with an adobe or concrete finish, or your standard 2x6 stud walls with fiberglass insulation. For barns or other structures that don’t require insulation, classic clap board siding over 2x4 non structural framing is one of the most flexible and locally sourced ways to build today. For example, you could source your timbers and straw bales locally to have about 80% of your home built from local materials. Additionally the raising and even straw bale construction phases of the project could be done with the help of your local community and friends. They also make lovely cozy tiny houses, not to mention solid and beautiful solar pergolas, and car ports.

Get a Free Estimate
As we are actively building our client base, we are offering free estimates for a limited-time. The design process can take many hours so this is truly a great deal. We respectfully ask that you only inquire if you are seriously looking to move forward with a project at this time. Thank you for your consideration!